Source Code Analysis



  1. Translate Dalvik bytecode to equivalent Java bytecode using enjarify. Enjarify takes an APK file as input and returns a JAR file as output.

     $ enjarify <app-name>.apk
  2. Start the JD-GUI application and import the jar file that was generated by enjarify.

    $ java -jar jd-gui-1.4.1.jar

    Importing JAR

  3. Analyze the decompiled source code.

    Decompiled source code

  4. Modify app logic and rebuild the application using apktool.

     $ apktool -o ./<new-file-name>.apk b <root-folder-containing-modified-code>/
     $ apktool -o ./InsecureBankv2Modified.apk b InsecureBankv2/
  5. Sign the new APK file.

     $ java -jar sign.jar <new-file-name>.apk
     $ java -jar sign.jar InsecureBankv2Modified.apk
  6. Install the modified app into an android device/emulator to bypass restrictive functionalities.

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