About Appsecco
Appsecco is a specialist application security company, founded in 2015, with physical presence in London, Bangalore, Doha and Boston, providing industry leading security advice that is firmly grounded in commercial reality.
Our services cover the entire software development lifecycle from advising on how build and foster a culture of security within development teams and organisations to reviewing and advising on the security of applications and associated infrastructure under development to providing rapid response and advice in the event of a security breach or incident.
As a team, we are highly qualified and have many years of extensive experience working with clients across multiple counties and in a wide range of industries and sectors; from financial services to software development, manufacturing to governmental organisations and consumer brands to ecommerce.
The solutions, advice and insight we deliver to our clients always follows three core principles:
- It must be pragmatic; taking into account the specific commercial, organisational and operational realities of each client individually
- It must genuinely add value; the advice or solutions we provide must addresses the specific problem a client seeks to solve and have actionable insight to enable them to achieve this
- Never be purely automated; whenever we are testing for security our reports and output always have significant, expert, human input to give the greatest possible value for our clients
In addition to their client-facing work our technical team are actively involved in researching and developing new and better ways to stay secure and can regularly be found presenting their findings at industry conferences and events ranging from nullcon in India, DevSecCon in London and Singapore, to DEF CON, the world’s largest security conference held annually in the USA.
Structurally we are a UK Limited company with a wholly owned Indian subsidiary (where the majority of our technical resource is based) and raised seed funding for our continuing growth in the UK in late 2016.