Dynamic Analysis Using Drozer


Drozer is a framework for Android security assessments developed by MWR Labs. Drozer allows you to assume the role of an Android app, and to interact with other apps, through Android’s Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanism, and the underlying operating system.

It helps to reduce the time taken for Android security assessments by automating the tedious and time-consuming tasks. It allows us to interact with the Dalvik VM, other apps’ IPC endpoints and the underlying OS.


We could use Drozer to do the following tests:

Discover and interact with the attack surface exposed by Android apps. Execute dynamic Java-code on a device, to avoid the need to compile and install small test scripts.


  1. Login to Androl4b Virtual Machine using the following credentials: andro/andro
  2. Click on the "Emulator" desktop icon.
  3. Start the drozer Agent app and ensure that Embedded Server is switched on.

    drozer Agent is ON

  4. Click on Terminus icon from the bottom tray, and select the New terminal option.

    Starting a new terminal

  5. We need to set up a suitable port forward so that our PC can connect to a TCP socket opened by the drozer Agent inside the emulator, or on the device. By default, drozer uses port 31415. Run the following command in the terminal:

     $ adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415
  6. Connect to drozer by running following command:

     $ drozer console connect

    For real mobile devices, we can specify the mobile device's IP address as shown below:

     $ drozer console connect --server
  7. Use drozer to find security vulnerabilities. Follow the guidelines as specified in following link: http://mobiletools.mwrinfosecurity.com/Using-Drozer-for-application-security-assessments/.

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